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VAT:21 %
Suction capacity: 900 m3/h
Vacuum: 1 250 Pa
Voltage: 230 V/50Hz
Power engine: 0,75 kW
Nominal current: 4,9 a
The diameter of the suction: 100 mm
Noise level: 75 dB
Weight: 22 kg
Height: 420 mm
Width: 380 mm
Length: 450 mm
Lightweight portable fan (weight 20 kg) suitable for dusty space particularly in the construction industry. Extraction and dust from the rooms outside the workspace by using the hose. (welding, grind
Extraction and dust from the rooms outside the workspace by using the hose. (welding, grinding, engraving, drillingcutting).
Using the hose the PU 100 mm length of 6 m mounted on the intake fan it is possible to effectively remove dust directly from the place where dust creates or blow thefresh clean air in a dusty place where he works.

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